Tuesday, July 25, 2006

OKAY, OKAY!!!!! I am finally updating!

I have been yelled at many times because of our lack of updates on the babies....I'm so sorry! As you can imagine, it is next to impossible to find 10 minutes to sit down at the computer. These pictures were taken the day we brought Bryce home. left to right, Connor, Paige, Bryce. They have changed so much since. At their 2 month check up Connor weighed 9# 13oz, Paige was 8# 14oz and Bryce was 7# 14oz. The doctor was pleased with each of their weights.
We dont go back to the doctor until the end of August so we aren't sure what their weights are now. I'm guessing Connor weighs close to 12 lbs, Paige 11 lbs and Bryce somewhere in the 10 lb range. He is finally putting on some chub...on his cheeks and thighs. What fun they are! They smile and coo ALL the time.

Bryce is the big CHEESER...he smiles at everything and everyone constantly. Unless we walk out of his sight. He doesnt seem to like that too much. He cries until something like a shadow catches his attention and then he's back to smiling and cooing again.
Paige is the social butterfly... she loves to watch us (especially the big kids) and she coos a lot. She puts her whole tiny little body into each sound. She also has no problem voicing her opinion. Boy when she screams, you don't want to mess with her...look out Lindsay! Thank God for a pacifier. She also enjoys being held the most. Sometimes we have to trick her into feeling like she is being "held". We lay her on her tummy on the boppy pillow and wrap the arms of the pillow around her and she thinks someone is holding her. Don't ask me what I'm going to do when she figures it out. Yikes!
Connor is still the most laid back of the three...passive aggressive some may say. He is so quiet and requires little attention, but when he wants to eat we hear about it...loud and strong! As you can tell, he doesn't miss too many meals.

They are all getting to be really strong. They hold their heads up on their own and they are beginning to stand on our laps. We thank God for their continued progress and His continued provision.

As you can imagine, it is hard to spend a lot of individual time with each of them, but we try our best. These past 3 months have flown by and as we overcome the daily challenges of raising 6 kids, we also welcome the next. For with each challenge comes joy and excitement and we anticipate what each day will hold...a full nights sleep would be a great start to these days, but I know this will come.
James 1:2 reminds me to "count it ALL joy".


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