Friday, May 19, 2006


May 15, 2006... Today the babies are 3 weeks old. They are improving all the time. They are all doing great with their feedings. All 3 of them have contacted a cold, but are on antibiotics and seem to be responding well. All are in open cribs and having no problems maintaining their body temperatures. We can bring in our own clothes to dress them and they look so cute! They go through them so fast and each day we bring home at least 6 onesies and 4-6 outfits. We are already doing their laundry every day and they are not even home yet!

May 19, 2006... Bryce is the only one who still has a feeding tube. He is a few days behind the other two, and gets too tired while feeding so they usually have to finish his feedings through his tube. By this time next week, he should have it out. Bryce no longer has any sort of oxygen either and is doing remarkably well especially considering he has a cold and is pretty congested. Yesterday his weight was 5 lbs 7 oz!! (a total weight gain of 12 oz)
Paige is "nippling like a real champ" says the doctor. She is the littlest yet the most aggressive. LOOK OUT, LINDSAY!!!! She is still having her bradycardia episodes (heart rate drop), but they seem to think she has a little reflux issue because it only happens right after she eats. The doctors seems to think it is something she will outgrow. She needs to be free from these for 5 days before she can come home. It was looking like she would be the first to come home, but not now. The doctors and nurses keep reminding us this is normal and she is just "acting like a preemie". Yesterday her weight was 5 lbs 3 0z!! ( a total weight gain of 13 oz)
Connor is doing great! He has mastered his feedings (finally his lightbulb went off) and is basically waiting to come home. Hopefully only a couple of more days! We'll see what the doctor says today. Yesterday his weight was 6 lbs 3 oz!! (a total weight gain of 1 lb!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, one-monthers! It was good to read your updates, Kevin and Lacy. We are praying for all of you and can't wait to see those beautiful faces in person some day soon. Love, the Thompson family (Chris, Allie, Angelina, and Zeke)

7:52 AM  

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