May 1, 2006...The babies are 1 week old and already making much progress. This past week was a whirlwind of emotions...
April 26, 2006... We got to hold Paige when she was just 48 hours old and what a wonderful night that was. She is no longer on the CPAP...only her IV for nutrition and her heart monitor. She feels sooo tiny in our arms, and yet every part of her is so perfectly formed! She is beautiful! Bryce and Connor are still on the CPAP and working hard at their breathing.
April 27, 2006... We were awakened by the neonatologist at 4:30 am to be told Bryce had to be put on a ventilator. Poor little guy was working so hard even when given 100% oxygen. He tired out and stopped breathing, so they had no choice but to take this action. It sure was hard to see this precious little baby with so many wires and tubes. When he cried, he couldn't even make any noise...he would furrow his brow and open his mouth like he was crying only no noise could escape. Breaks our heart to even think about it, but we knew it was for the best. His chest definitely calmed down and you could see he was resting so much easier.
Connor is off his CPAP now and seems to be doing well. Paige is still just hanging out in her little isolette. The nurses crack up at her...they call her the "DIVA" of the nursery. She tells them what, how, and when she wants something!!!! And when they mess with her brothers, she screams until they are done. Apparently, she can "scream down the nursery". We have yet to hear her make such a it possible at just 4 lbs???
April 28, 2006... We were released from the hospital at 2:00 pm and it was such an emotional day. Even though we knew they were in excellent hands, it was so hard to go home without them. From here we went to Lacy's brothers wedding. Lacy was thrilled to be able to go because the whole week we didn't think we would make it. I think Brent was thrilled as well. While we were there, the doctor called to let us know that Connor had to be put back on the CPAP... he was having a more difficult time breathing after we left that afternoon. So they did a chest Xray which showed he had pneumonia. Of course, after the wedding, we went back to the hospital to be with them. He looked more comfortable, and the doctors assured us that after 7 days of antibiotics he would be doing great. Bryce is still on the ventilator, and doing a little better. Paige is doing basically the same. She and Connor both have had a couple of apnea episodes. Because of their prematurity, their little bodies sometimes just "forget to breathe". They are treating this with caffeine through their IV's ... and to think Lacy avoided caffeine her whole pregnancy...go figure!
April 30, 2006... only 6 days old and we can already see such an improvement.
Connor is off the CPAP again and in his isolette doing so much better.
Bryce has improved a lot and will probably be taken off the ventilator on Monday or Tuesday. He had to have a blood transfusion as well. Apparently, babies of this size only hold about 6 oz of blood in their entire body, and as much as they have had to prick him, they felt he was getting weaker by the day. It's amazing how much he improved after the transfusion. His body "pinked" up and he moved around a little bit more as if he was feeling stronger.
Paige is doing apnea episodes today! All 3 are still under the billiruben lights for their jaundice.
May 1, 2006... Dr. Marnocha, the neonatologist taking care of them called this morning to give me their daily reports. I can't believe they are 1 week old already.
Paige's respiratory issues are gone! She has not had any apnea since Saturday and if she goes another day or 2 without any they will stop her caffeine. Her billiruben count is lower so she should be off the lights soon.
Bryce is "doing wonderfully". He will probably go off the ventilator either today or tomorrow. They were able to at least turn down his oxygen flow. He is scheduled for an echocardiogram (xray of his heart and lungs). They are looking at a certain valve that connects the heart to the lungs. The way we understand it is that when babies are in utero, this valve is open and they are unable to breathe. The moment they are born, this valve is supposed to close instantly. Bryce's did not! If it does not close on it's own, it could require surgery. They seem to think his is closing, but need to do the echo just to be sure.
Connor is still on his antibiotics for the pneumonia, but seems to improve daily. He will have another chest xray today just to be sure. He has not had any apnea since Friday, so he will go off the caffeine tomorrow.