Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New Update

We had an appointment today and not much has changed since the last time we were there. Of course, each baby has grown a little bit and all three are EXTREMELY active...especially Baby B. Lord help us if this is any indication of his energy level.
Lacy's energy level has started to plummet somewhat. Perhaps her increasingly growing tummy is to blame for that. At 20 weeks she is measuring 31 weeks pregnant. Her days of running around from here to there are soon coming to an end.
A few things you could pray about if you think about it...
1. Continued health for Lacy and babies. So far, there is no indication of bedrest and hopefully there won't be.
2. There are a lot of changes being done around our home to accomodate the new little ones. We hope to be finishing the nursery in the next couple of months just in case the babies would decide to come early. Pray for the stress levels to stay low and that God would remind us that everything WILL get done at just the right time.
3. We are still in search of a vehicle that will accomodate all of us without breaking the bank! We know God will provide just the right thing, but it takes a lot of patience on our end.
We will see the specialist again on Feb. 8th. Should anything take place between now and then we will keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."

We visited the Maternal Fetal Specialist today and had another high resolution ultrasound. They were able to see all 4 chambers of each babies heart as well as the details of each babies brain. We are thrilled to report all three babies are doing great! They are growing and developing right on target (each about 6 inches and weighing 9-10 oz.). As we watched them scan each baby we were again reminded of the miracle we have been given. It blows me away when I think of what has to happen to form EVERY detail of EVERY part of the body, and then to see it 3 times over...We thank God for his many blessings!

They assured us again baby "A" is definitely a girl... the little princess. From the looks of it, she will probably be the gymnast in the family. Wouldn't it be great to be that flexible?

If you can't tell these pictures confirm that both "B" and "C" are definitely boys! I'm sure when they get older they will just love that we "showed them off".

The 3D images are not so spooky this time. Although every part is not fully developed yet, they still look like real babies.

We need your help!!!!! Boys names seem to be difficult for us so we want to see if any of you have any suggestions. I know this seems silly, but we thought it might be kinda fun to get some ideas from you. If you wish, please click on "comments" below and leave your suggestions for us.